Beta Glucan 100 Questions & Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I Take Beta Glucan 100 or Beta Glucan 500?

Both products contain AJ Lanigan's Glucan material which is the World's #1 Immune System Product. The primary difference between the two supplements is the amount of Beta Glucan that each contains: 100mg and 500mg respectively.

For healthy individuals who want to increase immune response levels, Beta Glucan 100 is a great option (we recommend 2 capsules daily).

Another reason to purchase the 100mg is the lower price point at $49.95, versus the $149.95 for the 500mg. Both products allow for "bulk" and Subscription-based discount pricing as well. This information is available on our website but you may also call our Amazing Customer Experience Specialists at 800.746.7640 for more information.

For the Maximum Immune Response Dosage, our 500mg product would be needed instead of Beta Glucan 100. Nonetheless, taking any amount of our Beta Glucan is better for your immune system than any other product on the market. The only regimen more beneficial for your immunity would be to consume more of our Beta Glucan; e.g., taking One Beta Glucan 500 Capsule per 50lbs of body weight each day, which would yield the best Immune System one could have.

What is Beta Glucan?

Is beta glucan a new discovery?

Beta Glucan is not a new discovery. Glucans have been clinically studied for the past 50 years at numerous universities and teaching hospitals. However, it is just now gaining significant popularity in the public because of its availability as a supplement.

How does Beta Glucan compare to other immunity products?

The immunomodulating aspects of Beta Glucan is what makes it safer and more efficacious than the competition. Studies confirm our Beta Glucan is the most effective immune system product on the market, which includes other beta glucans. The patented purification process developed by AJ Lanigan is what makes our Beta Glucan more biologically active and beneficial to consumers.

Does Glucan have prebiotic or probiotic properties?

Beta Glucan does have some prebiotic properties, which helps the beneficial bacteria of the gut to thrive. Studies are still being conducted to figure out the indications of prebiotic and probiotic functions of Beta Glucan.

Is Beta Glucan 100 all-natural and Non-GMO?

Yes, Beta Glucan is as natural as it gets. There are numerous natural sources of beta glucan in general. Our product contains zero fillers, additives, or unwanted contaminants. The only ingredient in our product is highly purified, non-GMO beta glucan, and is encapsulated in a plant-based vegetarian capsule.

Why have I never heard of beta glucan?

Beta Glucan is not a word that typically comes up in casual conversation so it is widely unknown. However, over the past 15 years it has gained traction since it has become commercially available at an affordable price. In Chinese and Japanese medicine, Beta Glucan is something that’s been used for decades. In Western regions, like the United States, we’re just now catching up, so to speak.

What is an immunomodulator?

Our Beta Glucan is actually considered an immunomodulator. For a substance or product to be an immunomodulator it cannot overstimulate or suppress your immune system. Most products which address the immune system are marketed as “immune boosters,” but that’s actually a misrepresentation of Beta Glucan. This product will never cause overstimulation or harm as it provides a healthy, safe immune response at any dosage. The same cannot be said for typical “immune boosters.” Beta Glucan makes your immune system smarter and stronger, which aids in identifying self and non-self cells better than ever before.

What is Beta Glucan?

In short, Beta Glucan is a natural polysaccharide that is classified as an Immuno-Modulator; meaning, it “modulates” (changes) your Immune System to make it as efficient as possible. This fiber-like molecule works by activating every Immune System Cell in the body: Macrophages, Neutrophils, Basophils, Natural Killer Cells, etc.

Macrophages, specifically, trigger a host of immune functions that allow the body to produce the most complete, effective, and appropriate immune response achievable. The activity of the body's immunocytes (Immune Cells) determines how well your Immune System traps and consumes invaders that do not belong in the body.

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AJ Lanigan's Answer:
The short answer to that is Beta-1, 3D Glucan is a natural fiber molecule extracted from our source, baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). It enhances, supports, and maintains a good healthy immune system.

The long and more complex answer is that it is a naturally occurring long-chain polysaccharide purified from the cell walls of baker’s yeast. Our beta glucan is intensely purified: I cannot stress that enough. It is a biologically active complex of molecules; it is the single active ingredient in our Beta-1, 3D Glucan Capsules. A lot of times, people think we are dipping from four or five different buckets to make up our powder. This (Beta 1-3D Glucan) is the single ingredient in our compound.

Our Beta Glucan is readily taken up and converted into the body through the immune cells to bind (or hook up or plug into, if you please) to a specific site on the immune cells called the CR3 receptor. CR3 stands for complement receptor number three. These receptors are found on a myriad of different immune cells that make up our white blood cells or our “immune army,” also known as macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, NK cells, and others. These immune cells make up a large part of the immune system’s main defense mechanism.

Technically, Beta-1, 3D Glucan is a polybranched, polyglucose complex fiber-like particle that when converted, yields a biologically active beta glucan molecule that specifically binds to this CR3 (or sometimes called Mac1 or sometimes called CD11/C18).

How does Beta Glucan work?

What does Beta Glucan do?

Beta Glucan enhances a person’s immune response in a safe way. The average person has about a 30% active immune response. When someone takes our Beta Glucan it raises that person’s immune response to 60%, and in some cases even more, if they are taking the maximum immune response dosage. This allows for your immune system to recognize cells that are both self and non-self more effectively. I’m sure you can imagine the benefits of walking around with a doubled immune response/immune system!

When does Beta Glucan start working and how will I know?

There is an immediate influence on your immune system when you begin taking Beta Glucan. However, there are very sophisticated processes in the body that have to occur before your immune system is “fully activated.” It takes about 3 days for your immune system to achieve its maximum level of immune response. Your immune system will stay at this peak level as long as you’re taking the correct dosage. Now your immune system has the ability to take on even the most difficult challenges!

How does the Beta Glucan mechanism of action work with immune cells?

Once you swallow your Beta Glucan capsules, the product it enters the stomach. Shortly after, it is taken up into a special region known as the Peyer’s Patches. In the Peyer’s Patches there are M cells, which transport the Beta Glucan to immune cells. These immune cells chew up the Beta Glucan and distribute it all over the body. The Beta Glucan fragments bind to Neutrophils, Macrophages, and Natural Killer cells. The binding of Beta Glucan to these cells is only possible with something known as the CR-3 Receptor. The CR-3 Receptor acts like a key unlocking a door. This binding of Beta Glucan with immune cells is what puts them on “high alert” priming them for action. In about 3 days after taking your Beta Glucan your immune system will be “fully activated.”

What are the Benefits of Beta Glucan?

Who will benefit from taking Beta Glucan?

Anyone with an immune system can benefit from taking Beta Glucan, including both humans and pets. Our immune system is our first line of defense and it can always use additional “soldiers.” Keep in mind that our Beta Glucan makes a person’s immune system smarter and stronger, but never causes overstimulation or harm. There are no known side effects.

Is Beta Glucan beneficial for children?

Yes, children can certainly benefit from taking Beta Glucan. Keep in mind that a child’s immune system is still developing up until about 2 years of age. They typically do not benefit from supplementation until after the 2 year mark. However, Beta Glucan is safe for children at any age. We now have a product specifically designed for children called, BetaKIDS Chewables. Each delicious, fruity chewable contains 50mg of Beta Glucan, 15mcg of Selenium, and 400 IU of Vitamin D3 providing the extra immune support your child needs.

Is there third-party, scholarly science on Beta Glucan?

Beta Glucan has been studied for over 50 years at major universities and teaching hospitals, all of which are disinterested third-party researchers. There are more than 200,000 glucan studies on and nearly 50,000 studies involving glucan and humans. Our Beta Glucan specifically has been featured in over 20 medical journals, including the prestigious American Journal of Immunology and the Journal of Medicinal Food.

Do I need Beta Glucan if I am in good health?

Yes, anyone in any situation can benefit from taking Beta Glucan on a regular basis. Even those individuals who are in great health. Our immune system takes a beating every single day from the quality of air we breathe to unwanted pesticides in our food. Our bodies were created and designed in such a way where our immune system normally takes care of these things, but it certainly has its limits; that’s where Beta Glucan comes in. Every employee plus their families at Better Way Health takes Beta Glucan daily. We truly believe in this incredible product!

How effective is Beta Glucan at raising the immune response?

Beta glucans in general does an amazing job raising a person’s immune response. However, not all beta glucans are created equal. The level of purity is extremely important when it comes to the level of immune response you are looking to achieve. Our Beta Glucan is scientifically proven to be the purest, most biologically active Beta Glucan on the market, which provides the most benefit to a person’s immune system. Due to our Beta Glucan’s immunomodulating benefits, it will never cause harm or overstimulation and is completely safe.

Is Beta Glucan Safe?

Is Beta Glucan irradiated?

No, our Beta Glucan products are not irradiated.

Does Beta Glucan have side effects?

No, there are no known side effects pertaining to our Beta Glucan. There have been numerous safe human and animal studies showing the safety of Beta Glucan. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given our Beta Glucan GRAS rating, which means Generally Recognized as Safe under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. This certification is extremely hard to achieve especially when it comes to a dietary supplement.

Will I ever get sick if I take Beta Glucan?

In today’s world it is inevitable that we will get sick. Even with the immune enhancing benefits of our Beta Glucan. However, if you’re taking the proper dosage of Beta Glucan getting sick is extremely rare and is usually much more mild. A lot of times people see sickness as a negative thing because it’s uncomfortable, but sickness is our body’s natural response to purify and cleanse what shouldn’t be there in the first place. Beta Glucan ultimately helps you recover from sickness and leaves your immune system stronger than ever before.

Can I take Beta Glucan during chemotherapy?

Yes, Beta Glucan is completely safe to take before, during, and after chemotherapy. In fact, there are 20,000+ studies on pertaining to glucan and chemotherapy. Taking Beta Glucan alongside chemotherapy is very beneficial as it helps preserve and rebuild a person’s immune system during the immunosuppressive impact of chemo. Please be sure to consult with your medical professional if you plan to take Beta Glucan while undergoing chemotherapy treatments.

Is Beta Glucan safe with other medications and NSAIDs?

Studies indicate that there are no known negative side effects with Beta Glucan. However, if you are taking an immunosuppressant drug due to a transplant surgery (e.g. liver, kidney, etc.) it is recommended that you avoid taking Beta Glucan altogether. If you have any concerns it is always best to err on the side of caution and check with your medical professional. There are no studies stating Beta Glucan can be dangerous when taken alongside NSAIDs.

Can pets take Beta Glucan?

Yes. Keep in mind a small amount of our beta glucan goes a very long way. For maximum results, we recommend 500 mg per 50 lbs. of body weight. The same formula can be applied to your pets. However, we would recommend using our Beta Glucan 100 or Beta Glucan 100+ by opening the capsule and sprinkling a very small amount into your pet's food. If your pet weighs less than 20 lbs. you might even consider giving beta glucan every other day. Pets should NOT take Beta Glucan Kids due to the xylitol sweetener, which can be toxic to animals.

How Do I Take Beta Glucan?

Can I break open the Beta Glucan capsule to take it?

Our Beta Glucan comes in a small, plant-based capsule and is very easy to swallow. However, if for whatever reason (e.g. pets, small children) you need to open the capsule that is perfectly fine. Beta Glucan has a very distinct, bitter taste and is not very pleasant, but it can be mixed with water, juice, or even added to a feeding tube to make it easier to swallow. The most important thing is that you’re taking Beta Glucan.

Why Is Our Beta Glucan the Best?

Is baker’s yeast glucan better than barley, oat, and mushroom glucans?

Studies are clear that baker’s yeast Beta Glucan is the most effective. This includes barley, oats, mushrooms, and any other source. However, there are extremely inferior baker’s yeast beta glucan products on the market. The most important aspect of our Beta Glucan is the patented purification process developed by creator, AJ Lanigan. Each “batch” of our product has to meet the minimum 85% purity standard, which truly sets it apart from all competition.

Why is baker’s yeast glucan best for immune support?

There are many different sources of beta glucan like mushrooms, oats, and barley. However, clinical studies show very clearly that baker’s yeast Beta Glucan is the most biologically active. In addition, our baker’s yeast derived Beta Glucan is the purest on the market, which allows consumers to safely achieve a doubled immune response. This is why our company elects to carry just one immune system product due to its unmatched purity and effectiveness.