
Our Story


I want you to desire the best gifts. So I will show you a much better way.

1 Corinthians 12:31 (CEV)

​Since 1999, we have dedicated ourselves to providing evidence-based products and amazing customer service, which has led Better Way Health to become the #1 rated supplement company on Trustpilot.

​For us, it's not complicated. We want to offer products that actually work. Our product line is intentionally small and specific, with an emphasis on the immune system. We will not add a new product until we are comfortable offering it to our own family and team members.​

With that in mind, we are laser-focused on a product called Beta Glucan. Ours in particular is the purest form available and has the ability to increase immunity like nothing else.​

Our team is genuinely passionate about our evidence-based products and serving people with excellence, a combination that truly sets Better Way Health apart!

Our Core Values

Excellence Everywhere

We strive to do everything above and beyond to glorify God. This is reflected in the products we offer, how we treat each other, and how we treat our customers.


We want to serve each other and our customers with honesty and openness. When we are transparent with one another, authentic trust is built.

Amazing Customer Experiences

When we do everything with Excellence and Transparency this creates a customer experience unlike any other.

Our core focus.

Bettering the world with beta glucan.

Our Founder

Dave Perkins

Through extensive research, dedication, and personal experience, Dave achieved a remarkable health recovery. Motivated by his journey, he founded Better Way Health...
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Our Formulator

AJ Lanigan

An esteemed immunology expert with extensive experience. He founded his own health-focused company, pioneered ozone therapy, and developed an affordable process...
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Dave Perkins founded Better Way Health an alkaline water filter focus company.


Dave meets AJ Lanigan and begins selling Beta Glucan.


Reggie Black joins Better Way Health to manage IT.


Company begins selling numerous products.


Reduced product line.


Beta Glucan focus due to overwhelming research & benefits.


Kevin Wallace joins BWH as partner.


ACES Team launched.


Became #1 rated supplement company on Trustpilot.


Beta Glucan Replenishment Cream launched.


Immune Ready brand of products created.


Amazing Customer Experience Specialists

We're here for you on your wellness journey, ready to discuss and support you, even offering prayers if needed.

Our team has extensive training on each of our products to provide expert level information.

Empowered and free to serve customers however necessary — our goal is to provide a “wow” experience.

congratulations icon

We work together as a team to serve our customers to the best of our ability.

Meet our Team



Sharlene has a passion for helping others achieve wellness in all areas of life. She has lived in various states and even Costa Rica. Working at Better Way Health feels like a ministry to her. Sharlene's favorite quote by St. Francis, "Preach the gospel at all times. When necessary, use words," inspires her to live out her values through actions.



Michelle is an active person who enjoys running 5K races, solving puzzles, and cooking. She would have loves to meet Thomas Jefferson. Michelle finds fulfillment in serving customers at Better Way Health. Her favorite quote by Yoda, "Do. Or do not. There is no try," reminds her to always strive for excellence.



Zach is a fan of basketball and Star Wars. His ultimate dream is to meet Jesus. Zach finds fulfillment in working at Better Way Health because of their effective products. His favorite quote by Ferris Bueller, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it," reminds him to slow down and appreciate life.



Reggie loves playing basketball, chess, and building things. Meeting Shaquille O’Neal is at the top of his bucket list. Reggie enjoys working at Better Way Health because their products work. His favorite quote, "A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for," by John A. Shedd, inspires him to take risks and seek new challenges.



Kevin enjoys spending quality time with loved ones, working out, and reading good books. If Kevin could meet anyone it would be his Grandfather. He loves the people and relationships at Better Way Health. His favorite verse is from 2 Corinthians 12:9 reminds him of the power of vulnerability, inspiring him to embrace weaknesses with gratitude.


Supply Chain Manager

Kinjal enjoys Indian and Mexican food, hiking, tennis, music, and painting. She is remarkably, fluent in over four languages. When it comes to sports, she follows the Indian Cricket team, Novak Djokovic, and the Cleveland Cavaliers. At Better Way Health, she values the supportive team and helping customers. If Kinjal could meet one person it would be Mother Theresa.


Operations Manager

Taylor is a College Football enthusiast who loves Japanese food. He finds the camaraderie and evidence-based products at Better Way Health very fulfilling. His favorite verses are from Lamentations 3:22-23 reminding him that God's love is never-ending and His mercies are new every morning.



Patricia enjoys listening to music, dancing, and hiking. Meeting George Clooney is on her list of dreams. She values the sense of community and the message of "hope and care" that Better Way Health conveys to its customers. Patricia's favorite quote by Mahatma Gandhi, "Nobody can hurt me without my permission," empowers her to take control of her reactions to others.

In loving memory of Chase Papadeas

Chase Papadeas was a member of the Better Way Health team who tragically passed away in 2020. Known for his humility and servant leadership, he always prioritized the needs of others. As an integral part of Better Way Health, he diligently handled shipping responsibilities. Chase held a deep love for animals, his family, and his church. In honor of his memory, Better Way Health established the Chase Fund, offering assistance to customers facing financial difficulties. Chase's selfless nature continues to inspire and impact lives.

Chase’s favorite verse

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

2 Corinthians 12:9

Your purchase matters

Not only are you supporting your immune system, but you're also
supporting breaking the cycle of poverty in Zambia.

helping communities and giving

Learn more about our partnership with Bright Hope.

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