“Because our products work so well we have a risk-free 60-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you're not completely satisfied, just contact our team and we'll take care of it for you. Period."
-Taylor Morris, Operations Manager
How it Works:
You don't need your receipt or your email—just call us, email us, or message us—we already have all that information in our computer system.
Contact our ACES Team by calling 1-800-746-7640, Monday–Friday, 9 am – 5:30 pm ET. We will email you a return label that can be printed and attached to your return package (US Orders). When the products are received by our Fulfillment Team, we will issue a refund for the products returned.
Return the unopened portion of your order, along with the original packing slip that came with your products. If you don't have the packing slip, please indicate the date of your order or your order number so we can look it up. We will even cover the cost of original shipping and return shipping for US orders! However, we must receive the return within 60 days from the date you originally purchased the item for the full refund to be valid. This is due to new Lot numbers and inventory regularly being received, helping us follow the FDA’s first-in, first-out policy for supplements.
International customers can view shipping details/return options here.
If the product(s) from your order have been opened and are within 60 days of your purchase, just contact our team, and we will take care of it.
Once we receive your return, it takes 1-2 business days to process your refund, and another 2-4 business days (excluding holidays) for a debit card or credit card company to refund to your card or bank account.
It's that simple!
✅ Better Way Health has been around since 1999
✅ #1 rated supplement company on Trustpilot in multiple categories
✅ Our return rate is 4x better than the industry average (we can afford to give you the best guarantee in the industry - because our products really work!)
✅ Always free returns in the United States
✅ Full refund provided if you're not satisfied
✅ We cover lost and stolen packages
3 Ways to Reach Out
Now don't get me wrong, we'd love to know why you were unsatisfied, but only if you are willing to tell us. You don't even have to talk to us if you don't really want to. 😀
No pressure, no gimmicks, no surveys, no contracts to break, no terms you have to fulfill!
- Call or Text us at 1-800-746-7640

2. Send us a Message on our website
3. Email us at support@betterwayhealth.com

What Real Customers Are Saying About Our Money-Back Guarantee!
With over 3,000 verified customer reviews on Trustpilot, you can hear it directly from our customers.

Some companies make returning stuff a royal pain!
Let me tell you the story I heard that inspired our 60-Day Money Back Guarantee Policy...
My wife and I were at a marriage conference in 2017 with about 2,000 other couples. The guest speaker, Jimmy, was using an analogy comparing two radically different experiences he had returning an article of clothing.
Jimmy purchased a dress shirt from Store 1 - let's just call this store Terry’s (short for terrible), When he got home he tried on the shirt and realized he had picked up the wrong shirt and this was the “Slim Fit”, Now Jimmy is far from a slim fit guy so he went back to the store to return the shirt a few days later. When he showed up at the return counter he was greeted by terrible employee number 1 (TE1) who told him that Terry’s has a policy that they are not allowed to take back any item that has been worn. Jimmy assured TE1 that he had never worn the shirt, he just tried it on and realized he got the wrong shirt. TE1 accused Jimmy of lying and he knew the shirt had been worn and they were not going to return or exchange the shirt.
Jimmy could not believe what he was hearing and asked to speak with TE1’s manager. After the manager approached TE1 and Jimmy at the counter he was briefed on the situation by TE1 and assured Jimmy that Terry’s policy is not to take back any worn items. Jimmy assured the manager he had not worn the shirt, just tried it on at home. This is when the manager picked up the shirt in front of Jimmy and… sniffed the armpits to see if he was lying.
Jimmy had seen enough - and walked out of the store, leaving them with the shirt and never returning to do business at Terry’s again.
Now a few months later Jimmy found himself purchasing a nice jacket from Store 2, let's call this store Delightful’s. Jimmy loved that jacket and wore it all the time for almost 2 years before it ripped down the side. Jimmy took the jacket back to the store to see if they could repair the jacket for him because he loved it so much.
This time, Jimmy was greeted by Amazing Employee #1 who informed him that Delightful’s jackets should never rip, and this company had a policy that if one of their items of clothing breaks at any time, they can exchange it for any other similar item in the store FOR FREE.
No receipt, no hassle, no questions, no sniffing… Amazing Employee #1 just told him to go pick out any other jacket he liked in the store and walk out the door with it….
Now, which store do you think he goes back to buy from now?
Jimmy told us he bought all his clothes at Delightful’s after that because he knew they would stand behind their products.
Now, remember, Jimmy told this story to a room full of thousands of people, and I thought - WOAH!
I want to have a company that gives experiences like the second store. I want to be the brand that gives every single customer that amazing experience so that someone will stand up in front of a room of 4 thousand people one day and tell a story about their incredible experience with Better Way Health.
✅ We have sold hundreds of thousands of bottles since 1999
✅ 93% of our customers order more than once
✅ Our business is built on word of mouth from happy customers
✅ We proactively reach out to our customers
Mailing address
Yes! We are a real company - with a real office and real people that work in the real office. We are not an offshore call center with a fly-by-night shady warehouse - a rare company indeed in the eCommerce world - especially an eCommerce company selling supplements. Here is our office address …
Better Way Health
1000 Cobb Pl Blvd NW
Suite 407
Kennesaw GA 30144
Still have questions?
Our ACES Team is always there to help.