We all know how a strong immune system is essential for healthy living. If you have been sick, or struggling with illness or infectious disease, you may urgently need to know how to strengthen your immunity.
Strengthening your immune system may sound difficult to achieve, however, there are solid steps you can start taking today to strengthen your natural defenses against harmful diseases. In this resource, we will explore various ways to boost your immune system, such as healthy foods, supplements, and small lifestyle changes you can make to reap the healthy rewards!
Here are 8 ways to naturally boost healthy immune cells.
The immune system consists of a sophisticated array of organs, cells, and proteins, that work together to guard the body against infections while preserving its own cellular integrity. It acts as an alliance of cells, organs, and molecules that search for foreign pathogens in the body.
The immune system also removes harmful or allergy-inducing substances that penetrate the body's mucous membranes. (a)
The immune system is your “first line of defense” against all kinds of invaders and comprises billions of cells and hundreds of mechanisms.
It recognizes bacteria, viruses, parasites, and infections to chemical pollutants in the air and water. (1)
What’s more, the immune system is intricately connected to all other organs and mechanisms in the body—everything from the lungs to the liver. It actively involves many organ systems as well, including the lymphatic, circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems, and helps to fight heart disease.
Your immune system begins to learn about germs we have been exposed to, and it develops crucial antibodies. Antibodies are proteins with a protective nature that attach to foreign substances such as toxins and bacteria and remove them from the body.
They then have the ability to help you fight off those same germs in the future.
A common sign of weakened immunity is when a person frequently experiences infections, autoimmune disorders, illness, or antiinflammatory diseases. (b)
Additional signs of a weak immune system are:
Everyone’s situation is unique, however, people with strong immunity feel less tired, have good gut health, experience good sleep, and recover quickly from illness.
Another sign of good immune health is feeling alert and aware.
The immune system has two major parts which consist of different proteins, cells, and organs in order to work together to protect your body.
The innate immune system is the first line of defense against germs entering the body.
We are born with an innate immune system that consists of barriers that fight off harmful materials.
As the innate immune system responds in the same way to all foreign substances, it is commonly referred to as the ‘nonspecific’ immune system.
Adaptive immunity learns to recognize and understand pathogens which are coordinated by organs and cells.
These then work together to fight against the specific foreign substance that has entered the body by creating unique antibodies and immune cells (including white blood cells).
The antibodies created by adaptive immunity will then actively attack and destroy the infection or foreign substance.
After this process, the immune system will remember the foreign substance and be able to fight it off again in a more effective manner should it return.
A recent EPA report found that there are over 80,000 different kinds of chemicals that the typical person can be exposed to on any given day. In addition, sadly a 2016 investigation at George Washington University found that most newborns come out of the womb with a high toxic load already. (2)
Phthalates, phenols, perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), pesticides, PFAS compounds, halides, heavy metals, mold toxins and more can be found everywhere, from the food you eat to the home you live in. What’s more, an accumulating toxic load that goes unchecked year after year can be especially problematic for your health as you age. (3)
The following factors can also negatively impact the immune system:
Is there anything you can do to “even the playing field” in today’s toxic world? You bet! Read on to learn 8 simple ways to boost immunity now.
The first thing you can do to boost immunity is eliminate stress. Being in a state of chronic stress, ongoing anxiety, panic attack, or PTSD means that your brain and body is in constant “fight or flight” mode.
In this state, your body is pumping high levels of inflammation-producing cortisol into your system 24/7. This can also lead directly to higher inflammation and lower immune function. (4)
Most importantly, when your body is under this condition, you can never truly heal.
According to the Sleep Foundation, stress can cause insomnia which makes it difficult to fall asleep even if you are prepared for bedtime and in a comfortable environment.
Reduced hours of sleep or a lack of sleep can experience severe daytime exhaustion, irritability, increased fatigue and negatively impact overall health.
The solution? Calm your stress responses and heal your emotions so that your body can move into the “relaxation response.” In a state of “rest and digest,” “healing hormones” are produced, immune health is upgraded, and your whole body operates at a higher level across the board. (5)
Some of the most effective stress-reducing techniques are:
Some effective techniques that address deep trauma are EFT, EMDR, EVOX, and talk therapy. The key is to find a modality that works for you and commit to spending time practicing it a little every day!
For most people, eating for immune health means following a simple anti-inflammatory diet rich in detoxifying organic vegetables and fruits, organic sources of lean protein, and healthy fats. It also means lowering the consumption of sugary foods such as cookies, pastries, ice cream, candy, and sugary drinks as well as sources of simple carbs like pasta, white rice, and bread.
These foods are harmful in many ways. Most importantly, they pump too much glucose into the bloodstream at once. A recent Cornell University study found that spikes in blood sugar can suppress key proteins needed for immune system function. (6)
Too much sugar also throws off gut microbiota balance which can affect not only immunity but brain health as well, according to a 2021 Harvard Medical School report. (7) On the other hand, research indicates that those who eat the “rainbow” of whole foods display more diversity in their gut microbiome, which is directly correlated with higher immune function.
A study conducted by the Academic revealed that it takes roughly 75 grams of sugar to weaken the immunity and the immune system is lowered for roughly 5 hours after the sugar intake.
This study revealed that even if someone follows a healthy lifestyle, eats well, and exercises regularly, they can still damage their immune system function through excessive sugar intake.
Believe it or not, how well your immune system is able to fend off pathogens has a lot to do with how hydrated you are too.
This is true for a variety of reasons, including the simple fact that the human body consists of about 65% water. We need water for detoxification and for oxygenation of all tissues. Lack of oxygen and the subsequent backup of toxins are both major factors for inflammation and chronic disease. (8)
A great rule of thumb when it comes to staying hydrated is to not wait until you are thirsty to drink. Finding out how much you need each day is easy. Simply cut your weight in pounds in half. The number you wind up with is how many ounces per day (minimum) you should be drinking in fresh, filtered water.
According to the University of British Columbia, lack of movement and especially too much sitting can be an “independent risk factor” for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even cancer. (9)
Similar to hydration, exercise oxygenates the blood, helps with detoxification, improves brain and gut health, and increases immune function. (10) Exercise also pumps “feel good hormones” throughout the body which help alleviate pain and also puts the body into the “relaxation response” (discussed in #1).
A 2012 clinical trial done in part by the University of South Carolina found that aerobic exercise training reduces total [white blood count] and neutrophil counts, in a dose-dependent manner … and is especially beneficial for those with systemic low-grade inflammation.” (11)
If you are new to exercise, begin with walking. The Centers for Disease Control Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend 150 minutes of brisk “moderate intensity” movements every week. (12)
Healthy eating is directly linked to a healthy immune system. The body needs adequate nutrition in order for all cells to function at their best performance. Furthermore, the body needs a strong immune response to fight off harmful pathogens and reduce inflammation.
Chronic inflammation has been linked to a variety of health conditions such as certain cancers and heart disease. Fast food commonly contains high amounts of saturated fat and sugars which can contribute to high cholesterol.
Whether it is flu season or not, Vitamin C may prevent illness or shorten the length of an illness. Vitamin C-rich foods including citrus fruits, berries, melons, tomatoes, bell peppers, and broccoli should be incorporated into your eating habits.
Here are more suggestions for foods and ingredients to maintain a balanced diet:
Fermented foods are rich in probiotics which are known as good bacteria. Good gut bacteria can help immune cells distinguish between healthy cells and harmful cells. Consistency is key when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet. Try to establish a routine that allows you to prepare healthy meals in advance.
Consult with a healthcare provider or a dietitian for additional information about your diet, or a healthy eating plan.
Suggested reading: Worst food ingredients for your immune system
Believe it or not, how well your immune system is able to fend off pathogens has a lot to do with how hydrated you are ...
Did you know that getting enough shut-eye is essential for proper immune function as well? Waking up at night, having trouble getting to sleep, or all-out insomnia have direct connections to chronic disease.
The writers of a German meta-analysis describe the “crosstalk” between the sleep cycle and immune system mechanisms as a vital component in the proper functioning of both systems. The researchers at the University of Tübingen also emphasize the importance of sleep in improving both infection risk and outcomes. (13)
Most experts state that the average person needs between 6-9 hours of quality sleep per night. One great method is called the “10-3-2-1-0 Rule,” developed by the author, speaker, and entrepreneur Craig Ballantyne.
Here’s how it works. Ten hours before bed, stop ingesting caffeine. Three hours before bed, stop eating. Two hours before bed, stop working. One hour before bed put away all computer screens and turn off your TV. The "zero" in this equation, according to Ballantyne, indicates the number of times you will “hit the snooze button in the morning” if you follow this method! (14)
A lot of the “immune system hacks” we have mentioned so far help to boost immunity because of how they also support organs like the liver, kidneys, and gut. These are all key players in the elimination of toxic waste that can keep immunity low.
Likewise, by specifically nourishing and supporting your “organs of detoxification,” you are helping to improve your immune function as well.
A full-body detox is a normal process in organ function where the body naturally eliminates harmful substances through the digestive system, skin, kidneys, and lungs.
A detox usually involves a specific diet to remove harmful toxins from the body. However, there is no evidence showing support for using detox diets. The ‘toxins’ include synthetic materials, processed foods, heavy metals, and pollutants.
You can follow the suggestions below to help your body detox:
One of the key substances that many people take advantage of for both detox support and immune system boosting is beta glucans.
Beta glucans are polysaccharides that occur on the cell walls of some grains as well as fungi and yeasts. What makes them so amazing for boosting immune function is that they have the ability to go directly to immune system cells in the bloodstream. Research has also found that they can help other systems in the body through their antioxidant effects. (15)
Studies over the past decade or so have found that beta glucans derived from Baker’s Yeast can be the most effective. They can increase T cell counts and increase immunoglobulin levels.
"The only relevant immune modulator" -Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association (JANA)
If you weren’t already convinced, no doubt you are now: a healthy immune system is absolutely vital for maintaining a vibrant, productive life on all levels. The harsh reality, however, is that in today’s world, there are a lot of hazards – both seen and unseen – that may threaten your immune system and you.
That is why it is essential that you remain proactive in supporting your immune health. Follow the steps listed above and don’t forget to include immune-boosting super-substances like beta glucans in the mix. If you do, you will feel the difference in your energy level, your health, and your life overall!
For more information about beta glucan, Better Way Health and more, visit our FAQ page. To speak to an Amazing Customer Experience Specialist, give us a call at 800.746.7640or email us at hello@betterwayhealth.com
Our Beta Glucan goes through a rigorous purification process developed by the creator: AJ Lanigan. Once this purification process takes place, only about 10% of a given “batch” meets our 85% minimum purity standard. The “scraps”, so to speak (the other 90% of the batches), are then sold off and marketed by other companies. In addition, the product has been tested time and time again to prove its efficacy. When compared to other heavily marketed immune system products, our product comes out on top every single time. These comparison studies are conducted by a disinterested third party researcher at the University of Louisville: Dr. Vaclav Vetvicka. In these studies, immune response levels are safely tested on both humans and animals. Our product is also Non-GMO and encased in a Vegan, plant-based capsule.
The immunomodulating aspects of Beta Glucan is what makes it safer and more efficacious than the competition. Studies confirm our Beta Glucan is the most effective immune system product on the market, including even other beta glucans. The patented purification process developed by AJ Lanigan is what makes our Beta Glucan more biologically active and beneficial to consumers.
-Better Way Health
This is rather easy to answer. Our Beta Glucan has one really big advantage in that it is the most studied natural immunomodulator of them all. The biological studies number in the tens of thousands. For most other products, you may find 10 to 15 studies. If you have 10,000+ papers from all around the world, that cannot be ignored.
Beta Glucan has been studied for over 50 years at major universities and teaching hospitals, all of which are disinterested third party researchers. There are more than 150,000 glucan studies on PubMed.gov and nearly 50,000 studies involving glucans and humans. Our Beta Glucan specifically has been featured in over 20 medical journals, including the prestigious American Journal of Immunology and the Journal of Medicinal Food.
Anyone/anything with an immune system can benefit from taking Beta Glucan, including both humans and pets. Our immune system is our first line of defense and it can always use additional “soldiers.” Keep in mind that our Beta Glucan makes a person’s immune system smarter and stronger, but never causes overstimulation or harm. There are no known side effects.
For maximum immune response, take one 500mg capsule per 50 lbs. of body weight. For example, if you weigh around 150 lbs. you would need to take 3 capsules per day. All capsules should be taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. After taking your capsules, wait 30 minutes before eating or consuming other products. If you forget to take your capsules in the morning it is safe to go ahead and take your Beta Glucan during the day, although the benefits will not be as significant. Remember, these dosage instructions are for maximum immune response, any dose (i.e., 1 capsule per day) is still extremely beneficial.
No, there are no known side effects pertaining to our Beta Glucan. There have been numerous safe human and animal studies showing the safety of Beta Glucan. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given our Beta Glucan GRAS rating, which means Generally Recognized as Safe under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. This certification is extremely hard to achieve especially when it comes to a dietary supplement.
Beta Glucan enhances a person’s immune response in a safe way. The average person has about a 30% active immune response. When someone takes our Beta Glucan it raises that person’s immune response to 60%, and in some cases even more, if they are taking the maximum immune response dosage. This allows for your immune system to recognize cells that are both self and non-self more effectively. I’m sure you can imagine the benefits of walking around with a doubled immune response/immune system!
Beta Glucan is not temperature sensitive. If it is exposed to extreme hot or cold temperatures, the efficacy of the product will not be impacted. However, we do recommend keeping a close eye on your tracking information, which is sent to you via email with all orders. This way you know when your order will arrive and when you will be able to retrieve it from your mailbox or front door.
Our highly purified Beta Glucan powder is encased in a plant-based HPMC vegetarian capsule.
Additional Information: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) is a plant-based polymer derived from cellulose found in plant cell walls. Widely used in pharmaceuticals and food, it offers an alternative to traditional gelatin capsules, making them suitable for vegetarian and vegan preferences. HPMC is considered safe by regulatory agencies such as the FDA and EMA. Produced through a multi-step process involving cellulose modification, it undergoes extraction, alkalization, etherification, purification, and drying to ensure safety and quality for various applications in the pharmaceutical and food industries.
After 50 years of research, our Beta Glucan has no known side effects, or interactions with a GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) rating by the FDA. It is one of the safest, most effective dietary supplements on the market.
Many women take our Beta Glucan while breastfeeding, to help support their immune system. Babies can also benefit from mom's immune system giving the best response possible.
However, if you have any concerns whatsoever, we recommend consulting with your health care professional before use, as a precautionary measure.
Our ACES Team is always there to help.
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